Thursday, 13 September 2012

Assignment 1 week 1

After hearing the other student's chord's today, I knew when it was my turn that I had not fully understood the assignment. I didn't pay much attention to the one guideline in bold print: "None of the chords should sound like an obvious sonority in functional harmony". Most of my chords were obviously functional in tonal harmony. Therefore, I definitely need to add more tension for next week. I will try out the suggested method of using both hands instead of just one and placing them anywhere on the keyboard until I find chords that I like. Although most of the chords I chose were simple and obvious sonorities in functional harmony, there were a few that I really did like and plan to keep. But besides the select few, I will take Dr. Ross' advice and re-do the assignment.

My main goal was to have a first chord somewhere in the lower register and build tension by moving into the higher register. After achieving a maximum tension at approximately 61.8% of the way through the progression, I would start moving backwards towards the first chord again. But as I learned today, it would take the exact opposite of this idea to achieve the effect I was looking for. As suggested to me, I think it is a good idea to try starting out in the middle C area and then work my way outwards to the extremes of the piano. After all, it seems that chords in the lower register have the most tension. And adding higher notes adds even more tension. After achieving the maximum tension, I will then move back towards the middle C area.

Evan Harte

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